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Hugarian edition of The Great Gatsby by F. Scott Fitzgerald |
Be kell vallanom, A nagy Gatsby egyike azoknak a könyveknek, amiken nagyon sokat vacilláltam, hogy vajon megĂ©rnĂ©-e nekem elolvasni. FĂ©ltem hogy a törtĂ©netet körĂĽlvevĹ‘ nagy hype pont az ellenkezĹ‘jĂ©t fogja kiváltani belĹ‘lem, Ă©s nem leszek kĂ©pes mit kezdeni az egĂ©sszel. Ehhez nem kis mĂ©rtĂ©kben hozzájárult az is, hogy tavaly elolvastam a Chosen and the Beautiful cĂmű könyvet, ami, hát fogamazzunk Ăşgy, nem kifejezetten lett a kedvencem. Aztán olvastam egy cikket az egyik kedvenc szerzĹ‘mrĹ‘l, aki ezt a könyvet nevezte meg az egyik inspiráciĂłjakĂ©nt. Ăšgy voltam vele, hogy ha megtalálom a könyvesboltban, megveszem, Ă©s elolvasom. Megtaláltam, megvettem, elolvastam... Ă©s milyen jĂłl tettem!
MielĹ‘tt Ă©szbe kaptam volna, elfogyott a könyvnek több, mint a fele. LebilincselĹ‘ az ĂrásmĂłd, amivel találkoztam. Maga a törtĂ©net nem Ăşjszerű, sem nem friss. KĂ©t ember be nem teljesĂĽlt szerelme. Gondolnánk, hogy nincs Ăşj a nap alatt. Ez az alaptörtĂ©net viszont a karaktereken keresztĂĽl valami egĂ©szen kivĂ©teles mĂłdon jelenik meg.
Nem azt mondom, hogy a történetben bármelyik karakter is szerethető lenne. Nem azok, de pont ez az egészben a lényeg. Morálisan meghasonlott karakterek, ami a történetüket csak még tragikusabbá teszi.
ElismerĂ©ssel kell adĂłznom továbbá a fordĂtásnak is. ValĂłszĂnűleg fele annyira nem lett volna magával ragadĂł a törtĂ©net, ha nem ebben a gyönyörű fordĂtásban olvashatom. A magyar szöveg nem csak hogy fogyaszthatĂłbbá, de egĂ©szen egyszerűen varázslatossá tette a törtĂ©netet. Remek fordĂtĂłi munka. A szavakon keresztĂĽl teljes mĂ©rtĂ©kben átjött a karakterek minden Ă©rzelme, ugyanakkor az a gördĂĽlĂ©kenysĂ©g, amivel a narrátorunk elmesĂ©lte a törtĂ©netet, valĂłban azt idĂ©zte elĹ‘, hogy a lapok megállás nĂ©lkĂĽl peregtek a kezeim között.
Olvasásra akkor ajánlom ezt a könyvet, ha valakiek szüksége lenne egy keserédes szerelmi történetre, és nem riad vissza a morálisan meghasonlott karaktrektől. Nekem személy szerint nagyon tetszett, pedig tényleg rengeteget vacilláltam az elolvasásán.
5/5 - Sok ilyen kellemes csalĂłdást kĂvnok mĂ©g magamnak.
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This entry should have been uploaded ages ago. Why on Earth didn't I put it up sooner? I don't even know. I don't really have excuses. Maybe except for the fact that I didn't really have motivation to write. But I'm back now, trying to catch up on everything,
I have to admit something here. Despite being a dedicated bookworm, even I have some books which made me think if I should read them or not. The Great Gatsby was one of these books. I was afraid of the huge hype because what happens if I don't like, or worse, don't understand this book at all. I was afraid of the hype but I was even more afraid of myself. And to be honest, the fact that I read The Chosen and the Beautiful last year didn't help me a bit. Because let's face it, I didn't really like that book. But then I read an atricle about one of my favourite authors, and he named this book as one of his inspirations. That day I was like "If I find it in the bookstore, I will buy it, and read it." I found it, bought it and read it... And that was one of the best decisions ever!
Before I could come to my senses I had read more than half of the book. The storytelling was nothing sort of wonderful here! The story itself is neither fresh, nor new. Two main characters and their unfullfiled love. But thanks to all of the characters it's very hard to stand up from in front of this book. It's hard to put it down and take a step back to reality.
I won't say the reader can or should find any of the characters sympathetic. On the contrary. The reader hardly can attach to any of the characters. That's because all of them are morally questionable. Awfully. But that's the point of it. This is what makes this bittersweet love story even more tragical.
I need to say a couple of words about the Hungarian traslation too. I know it may be not so relevant here, but me, who slowly but surely lose my faith in good Hungarian translations and prefer to read in English, this piece of art was like some fresh air. I swear the translation made the whole story more enjoyable to me. Through the translation I felt every feeling. I felt precisely what the character felt. And the smooth way our narrator narrated this story made me turn one page after another.
I suggest you to read this book if you want to get to know a bittersweet love story. And if morally questionable characters don't bother you. As for me, I really loved this book, even though I had fought with myself for a long time to decide if I should read this book or not.
5/5 - I wish some more pleasant surprises like this to myself.
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