Holiday Season Post spree #5 đž© Pixabay |
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Trigger warning❕ A törtĂ©netben bemuatĂĄsra kerĂŒlnek olyan tĂ©mĂĄk, amik sokatokat Ă©rzĂ©kenyen Ă©rintenek. Ilyen konkrĂ©tan az Ă©rzĂ©kszervi fogytĂ©kossĂĄg, vĂ©r, öngyilkossĂĄgi kĂsĂ©rlet Ă©s a halĂĄlközeli Ă©lmĂ©ny. Ha te szemĂ©ly szerint tudod, hogy a tĂ©mĂĄk valamelyike Ă©rzĂ©kenyen Ă©rint, a sajĂĄt felelĆssĂ©gedre nĂ©zd meg a filmet. Köszönöm❕
Az utĂłbbi Ă©vek egyik legsokrĂ©tƱbb filmĂ©lmĂ©nye John H. Lee alkotĂĄsa. Sok szempontbĂłl az, amik között szerepel a rendezĆ Ă©letĂștjĂĄra vonatkozĂł utalĂĄsok sokasĂĄga, valamit a rĂ©tegelt, Ă©rzelemdĂșs mondanivalĂł. EbbĆl pedig mindenki lefölözheti magĂĄnak, amit a sajĂĄt szemszögĂ©bĆl fontosnak tart. JĂłmagam is nagyon valĂłszĂnƱ, hogy csak a felszĂnt fogom kapargatni. Mert annak ellenĂ©re, hogy tisztĂĄban vagyok az utalĂĄsokkal Ă©s a feltĂ©telezett jelentĂ©sĂŒkkel, azt nem a magam kĂștfĆjĂ©nek köszönhetem, Ăgy nem is enyĂ©m a jog, hogy azokat elĂ©tek tĂĄrjam. Ha csigĂĄzza a fantĂĄziĂĄtokat, nĂ©zzetek utĂĄna nyugodtan John H. Lee szakmai Ă©letĂștjĂĄnak.
Ahogy azt mondtam, valĂłszĂnƱleg csak a felszĂnt fogom kapargatni, de az nem jelenti azt, hogy ott nem talĂĄlhatĂłk olyan dolgok, amikrĆl Ă©rdemesnek Ă©s fontosnak tartom beszĂ©lni. Ăs itt termĂ©szetesen erĆsen kĂ©pbe jönnek azok a szƱrĆk, amiken keresztĂŒl Ă©n magam lĂĄttam a törtĂ©netet.
A törtĂ©net szerint Izumoto Shinji egy ismert mangaka, akinek törtĂ©nete a maga pozitivitĂĄsĂĄval rengeteg embernek ad remĂ©nyt Ă©s hitet. Ilyen ember Aida Hibiki is egy gyermekfelĂŒgyelĆkĂ©nt dolgozĂł siket lĂĄny. Shinji pĂĄlyĂĄja fĂ©lbe szakad amikor az orvosok szerint zöldhĂĄlyog következtĂ©ben megvakul. Shinji Ă©letĂ©n a sötĂ©tsĂ©g lesz urrĂĄ, Ă©s ebbĆl a sötĂ©tsĂ©gbĆl rĂĄngatja ki Hibiki odaadĂĄsa. InnentĆl Ćk ketten elkezdenek tanulni egymĂĄstĂłl Ă©s egymĂĄsrĂłl, hogy egy bĂ©kĂ©s jĂłl mƱködĆ Ă©letet alakĂtsanak ki. Ami egy pontig sikerĂŒl is, Ă©s ami termĂ©szetesen nem mentes a hĂĄtrĂĄltatĂł tĂ©nyezĆktĆl. Ăs a hĂĄtrĂĄltatĂł tĂ©nyezĆket itt nem elsĆ sorban az Ă©rzĂ©szervi fogyatĂ©kossĂĄg okozza egyikĂŒk esetĂ©ben sem...
SzĂĄmomra ennek a törtĂ©netnek kĂ©t nagyon fontos aspektusa volt. Az egyik, hogy bemutatta, hogy a fogyatĂ©kossĂĄg nem szabad hogy tönkre tegye addigi Ă©letĂŒnket. Mindig mindenre van alternatĂv megoldĂĄs. CsodĂĄs reprezentĂĄlĂł Ă©s Ă©rzĂ©kenyĂtĆ hatĂĄsa volt ennek az alkotĂĄsnak. EgyszerƱen Ă©reztem, hogy a szĂnĂ©szek mennyire Ă©rtik Ă©s Ă©rzik a karakterĂŒket Ă©s csak elkĂ©pzelni tudom, mennyi felkĂ©szĂŒlĂ©s elĆzhette ezt meg. KĂ©ptelen vagyok elĂ©ggĂ© hangsĂșlyozni, hogy mennyire fontos az, hogy egy fogyatĂ©kkal Ă©lĆ ember megĂ©rtve Ă©s lĂĄttatva Ă©rzi magĂĄt.
A mĂĄsik aspektus pedig a szabadsĂĄgra, önĂĄllĂłsĂĄgra valĂł törekvĂ©s. Ez a szempont az, amiben szerintem elĂ©ggĂ© megmutatkozik a rendezĆ mĂșltja mellett az idol vilĂĄg Ă©s a hĂrnĂ©v ĂĄrnyoldala. KĂŒzdeni kell azĂ©rt, hogy a vĂĄgyainkat, akaratunkat Ă©rvĂ©nyesĂtsĂŒk a tömeg elvĂĄrĂĄsaival szemben. Ez pedig rettenetesen nagy munka, fĆleg, ha a kĂ©t nĂ©zĆpont szöges ellentĂ©tben ĂĄll egymĂĄssal.
VĂ©gĂŒl, de nem utolsĂł sorban nĂ©hĂĄny szĂł a szĂnĂ©szekrĆl. Yamashita Tomohisa zsenijĂ©t azt hiszem senkinek nem kell bemutatnom. Sok szĂł esett mĂĄr rĂłla a korĂĄbbi film - illetve sorozatĂ©rtĂ©kelĆ bejegyzĂ©sekben. Shinji-kĂ©nt is maradandĂłt alkotott. ĂrezelemdĂșs, Ă©rtĆ jĂĄtĂ©k, egy egĂ©szen elkĂ©pesztĆ, elhivatott mƱvĂ©sz Ă©s nagyszerƱ ember. Ăn meg tovĂĄbbra is elfogult vagyok vele. Nem kĂ©rek Ă©rte elnĂ©zĂ©st.
Araki Yuko pedig rettenetesen sokat fejlĆdött, miĂłta utoljĂĄra lĂĄttam jĂĄtszani a Code Blue 3. Ă©vadĂĄban. ĂriĂĄsi teljesĂtmĂ©ny Hibiki karakterĂ©t majdnem minden szĂł nĂ©lkĂŒl Ăgy vĂĄszonra vinni. Le a kalappal, de tĂ©nyleg. Nagy jövĆ ĂĄll mĂ©g elĆtte.
A poszt eleji figyelmeztetĂ©sek figyelembe vĂ©telĂ©vel ajĂĄnlom a filmet, mert tĂ©nyleg nagyon sok mindenre nyitja fel az emberek szemĂ©t, Ă©s rendkĂvĂŒl veszĂ©lyes tĂ©vhiteket töröl le a porondrĂłl. Plusz nĂ©ha egy jĂł kis sĂrĂĄs nem ĂĄrt. Sok mindent kipucol az emberbĆl. KĂ©szĂŒljetek fel erre is. AztĂĄn, ha van kedvetek, gyertek, cserĂ©ljĂŒnk eszmĂ©t a dologrĂłl.
5/5*** - Most ha idegesĂtĆ akarnĂ©k lenni, mondanĂĄm, hogy olvassatok, ki tudja, ki lĂ©p be ĂĄltala az Ă©letetekbe. Ăgy viszont csak azt mondom, hogy nĂ©zzĂ©tek ezt a filmet. Sokat fog adni nektek.
đ„ Amazon Prime-on legĂĄlisan elĂ©rhetĆ a film, de fĂ©lĆ, hogy a hazai platformon nem fogjĂĄtok megtalĂĄlni
đ„ Torrent oldalak többsĂ©gĂ©n megtalĂĄlhatĂł angol felirattal
đ„ Magyar feliratrĂłl egyelĆre nem tudok, de lehet velem ĂŒzletelni, ha Ășgy hozza a szĂŒksĂ©g đ
Trigger warning❕ This movie contains such topics which are possibly triggering for some of you. Topics like disability, blood, suicide attempts and near death experiences. If you are aware of any of these tropics being triggering for you, please watch the movie with caution. Thank you in advance❕
One of the biggest, most layered movie experience in 2023. It's a masterpiece directed by John H. Lee. And it's a masterpiece for many reasons. First of all the Easter eggs about the director's life in the industry, plus the layered, full of emontion story this movie holds. From this everyone could take what's important to them. I for one am sure I will only be able to scratch the surface with this entry. Because no matter that I know the Easter eggs and the possible meanings behind them, I myself also got enlightend, so I kinda have no right to shine with this knowledge. If you are interested, go seek out John H. Lee and his movies online.
Like I said I will probably just scrach the surface here but it doesn't mean the upper layer doesn't hide important things to talk about. And of course here comes those glasses with which I watched this move. Here is what I consider important.
One of our protagonists is Izumoto Shinji who is a manga artist and his story gave courage and hope for many many people. One of these people is our other protagonist Aida Hibiki, a deaf girl working in a nursing home. Shinji's carreer gets on hold when he loses his eyesight supposedly because of glaucoma. Now his world is covered in darkness and Hibiki will be the one who will drag him out of the pit of despair. She starts to take care of Shinji. From then on they try to set up a comfortable and secure environment around themselves. Meanwhile learning about each other. From each other. Of course life wouldn't be life without obastacles. And said obstacles are NOT their disabilities.
For me this move showed two very important advantages. One of them is that it showed that our disabilities absolutely must not determine who we are and who we want to be in the future. Impossibly beautiful representation and insanely strong sensitive effects. This was something I respected the most. It built up sensitivity towards people with disabilities. I just felt that these artists just understood and felt their characters and I can't imagine what they did to prepare themselves for their respective roles. I can't express strongly enough how important it is for a disabled person to feel seen and understood.
The other advantage was the sense of fighting for freedom. I could see the director's past struggles here, as well as the darker side of the idol world and fame in general. They needed to fight to make their dreams, desires and themselves true out in the harsh world. Which is... well not so simple. Not when your opponents want the exact opposite as you do.
Last but not least a couple of words about the main leasds. I don't think I have to spell it out for anybody what a genius Yamashita Tomohisa is. I mentioned his skills in some of my previous series/movie reviews here. He is truly able, full of emotion and understanding. Exceptional and devoted artist and an incredibly wonderful man. And I am still biased. Not gonna say sorry, no.
Araki Yuko also grew a lot as an actress since I saw her last time in the 3rd season of Code Blue. Her improvement is truly incredible. It was masterful fine arts, the way he portrayed Hibiki with barely anything to say. Congratulations, Yuko-chan. I hope we will hear a lot more from her. She is talented.
Considering the warning at the beginning of the entry, I'd recommend a watch. Because it will open your eyes to many important things and it will wash off many prejudices. Plus sometimes it's just feels good to cry because of a movie. It cleans much dirt off the soul. So prepare yourself for that too. And then come, find me, and let's talk about the experience.
5/5*** - If I wanted to be cheeky I'd say go and read. Who knows who will enter your life thanks to it. But now I just say that go and watch this movie. It's going to give you lots.