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Holiday Season Post Spree #1 📸© Pixabay |
Ahogy az előző "Percy-s" bejegyzésemben emlegettem, jól elhúzva a mézesmadzagot mindenki előtt, aki szereti a sorozatot vagy a karaktert, itt az ideje, hogy együtt töltsünk egy kis időt a görög hősökkel.
Mikor elĹ‘ször olvastam ezt a kötetet, jĂłval tömĂ©nyebbnek tűnt, mint az istenekrĹ‘l szĂłlĂł törtĂ©netek. LegyĂĽnk Ĺ‘szintĂ©k, sokkal kevĂ©sbĂ© Ă©lveztem, na. Most viszont olvasás közben örĂĽltem, hogy hozta azt, amire számĂtottam tĹ‘le. Igaz, hogy a vĂ©gĂ©re sikeresen belekeveredtem a szálakba, Ă©s az egyes emlegetett hĹ‘sök egymással valĂł találkozásaiba. Már a könyv vĂ©gĂ©re voltak olyan dolgok, amik az elejĂ©rĹ‘l kiestek. SzĂłval a vĂ©gĂ©re rá kellett jönnöm, hogy a tömĂ©nysĂ©g mĂ©g mindig problĂ©ma ebben a könyvben, de Ăgy is, Ăşgy is sokkal jobb Ă©lmĂ©ny volt, mint elsĹ‘ olvasásra.
Amire ebben a kötetben sem volt panasz, az a hamisĂtatlan Percy-fĂ©le humor. Most, hogy olvasom a "The Chalice of the Gods"-t, rá kellett jönnöm, hogy mi olyan megkapĂł nekem Percy humorában. Csöpög belĹ‘le a szarkazmus. A srác pedig van olyan intelligens, hogy ezt felismerje, Ă©s beismerje. Nem utolsĂł sorban pedig az elĹ‘nyĂ©re fordĂtsa. Mint olyan ember, aki szintĂ©n második anyanyelvekĂ©nt beszĂ©li a szarkazmust (Ă©s pont elĂ©g emberrel találkozott, akik ezt akkor se tudnák Ă©rtĂ©kelni, ha az Ă©letĂĽk mĂşlna rajta), valĂłszĂnűleg Ă©pp ezĂ©rt a jellemvonásáért találok a karakterben annyi komfortĂ©rzetet.
A másik nagy pozitĂvuma ennek a kötetnek, hogy, ahogy az elĹ‘dje is, tanĂt, Ă©s azt a megfelelĹ‘ mĂłdon teszi. ÉrdekessĂ© tĂ©ve a tartalmat az olvasĂł számára. Magával a narráciĂł minĹ‘sĂ©gĂ©vel Ă©s a gyönyörű illusztráciĂłkkal. Nekem is volt ezekkel a hĹ‘sökkel kapcsolatban, amit elfelejtettem, vagy amire rosszul emlĂ©keztem. Ăšgyhogy hiába vagyok hardcore Percy-fan gyakorlatilag 2015 Ăłta, mĂ©g nekem is tud Ăşjat mondani. MĂ©g egy Ăşjraolvasás is.
Ennek tĂĽkrĂ©ben pedig olvasásra tĂ©nyleg mindenkinek csak ajánlani tudom a könyvet. Mindenkinek aki egy kicsit Ăşgy Ă©rzi, valami Ăşjra vágyik. SzĂłrakozni szeretne. AktĂvan pihenni. mert ez a könyv, ahogy az elĹ‘dje is, szĂłrakoztat Ă©s tanĂt egyben. És, ha másĂ©rt nem, szerintem már csak ezĂ©rt Ă©rdemes idĹ‘t szánni rá.
Percy Jackson görög hĹ‘sei cĂmmel
5/4 - Nem volt Ăgy sem akkora durranás, mint a görög istenek, de egy olvasmányos, jĂł humorĂş, sok-sok Ă©rdekessĂ©get tartalmazĂł plusz kötet
Like I said in my last Percy themed post, when I hopefully successfully dragged a string glazed in honey in front of everyone, who actually likes the character and the series, it is time to spend our free time with some famous Greek Heroes.
When I read this book for the first time the stories themselves were much more complicated than the ones in Greek Gods. Let's be honest here. I didn't enjoy these ones nowhere near as much as I had done with the stories about the Olympians. But know I was happy, extatic even when I got what I needed from this book as well. True, at the end, I successfully mixed up the storylines yet again, as well as the many heroes' relationships with each other. There were things I forgot from the beginning of the book when I reached the end of it. So I needed to realize this book is still hard to read to a certain extent. But still, the experience this time was waaaay better.
I can't and don't even want to complain about the humor factor in this book. Undeniably Percy. And now that I have read "The Chalice of the Gods", I had to realize why I love this character so much. He is oozing sarcasm. And the guy is intelligent enough to recognize it, accept it and use it for his own good. I am exactly this kind of a person as well. I speak sarcasm fluently and I have met way too many people who can't recognize it even if their lives depend on it. Figuratively speeking. Most likely this is why Percy gives me so much sense of comfort.
The other big advantage is that this book just as its predecessor teaches and does so in the best way possible. It makes the contents interesting for the reader. Both with the quality of the narration and with the beautiful illustrations. I had some facts which I had forgotten or remembered it incorrectly. So no matter I consider myself a hardcore Percy-fan practically ever since 2015 it told something new even to me. And this was a reread.
Long story short, I highly recommend this book as well as the other one. To everyone who feels like they wish for something new. Who is in need of some quality time. Who wants to relax in an active way. Because this book is just the perfect choice for all of the above. I think no one will be disappointed.
5/4 - It was not as great as Greek Gods but it was easy to read with its unique sense of humor and many interesting mithological facts