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Nem elĹ‘ször olvastam ezt a törtĂ©netet, de ugyanolyan nyögvenyelĹ‘sen ment, mint elsĹ‘ alkalommal. Csak más okokbĂłl. Vagy a fene tudja. TulajdonkĂ©ppen megĂ©rtĂ©si nehĂ©zsĂ©gek voltak a dolog mögött mindkĂ©t esetben. Ami azĂ©rt is fura, mert ismerem a művet. Hiszen a Webber-fĂ©le szĂndarab alapműnek számĂt. MĂ©gis rengeteg problĂ©mám van a törtĂ©nettel.
Ezek egyike maga az alap konfliktus. Számomra Christine karaktere Ăşgy nagyjábĂłl egyenĂ©rtĂ©kű egy hisztĂ©rikával. Vagy, ha azzal nem is, egy elkĂ©nyeztetett kislányĂ©val biztosan. A hangja ellenĂ©re olyan igazi kis ripacs szĂnĂ©sznĹ‘cskĂ©nek tűnik fel a szememben. Nem is Ă©rtem, hogy versenghet Ă©rte kĂ©t fĂ©rfi is, akik közĂĽl az egyik ráadásul nemes. Akiben, nĂ©zeteim szerint, egy kicsivel több tartás kellene, hogy legyen. SzĂłval na. Ez a "szĂnĂ©sznĹ‘cske kegyeiĂ©rt egyszerre ketten versengenek"-szituáciĂł, számomra egyrĂ©szt enyhĂ©n klisĂ©, másrĂ©szt erĹ‘sen hiteltelen.
Amivel viszont a legnagyobb bajom volt az az, ahogy a törtĂ©net Ă©s maga a társadalom Eriket kezelte. Felfordult a gyomorom, ahányszor azt kellett látnom, hogy szörnyetegkĂ©nt hivatkoznak rá. Igen, tett olyan dolgokat, amik borzalmasak, Ă©s amiĂ©rt bĂĽntetĂ©st Ă©rdemel. Ugyanakkor Ĺ‘ egĂ©sz Ă©letĂ©ben arra vágyott, hogy önmagáért szeressĂ©k. VĂ©gsĹ‘ soron pedig, Ăşgy gondolom, erre vágyunk mindannyian. Káros volt ezĂ©rt a kĂvánságáért Ăgy ábrázolni Ĺ‘t. Számomra legalábbis nagyon sokat levont a törtĂ©net Ă©rtĂ©kĂ©bĹ‘l. Nem tartom sokra a nĹ‘i fĹ‘hĹ‘st, de szerintem Erik sokkal jobban megĂ©rdemelte volna Ĺ‘t.
Nem is tudom, kinek a kezĂ©be adnám jĂł szĂvvel ezt a könyvet. Szerintem senkiĂ©be. Ami nem azt jelenti, hogy rossz a mű, hiszen az adaptáciĂłja tĂ©nyleg kult. Viszont a könyv helyett Ă©n inkább ahhoz ragaszkodnĂ©k.
5/4 - KihĂvás miatt Ă©rtĂ©kelem számszerűen egyáltalán, de erĹ‘sen gondolkodom, nem voltam-e ezzel a 4-essel tĂşl lágyszĂvű.
It was not my first time reading this book, but it was as hard to read it now as ever. Only thanks to different reasons. Or who knows. Honestly it was hard to decipher it both times. Which is strange because I do know the strory. I mean the Webber musical is legendary. And yet I have many problems with the story.
One of these is the basic conflict. For me, Christine's character was nothing more than a medicore actress with temper tantrums. Or if not that then a pampered little girl for sure. Despite her voice she didn't seem to be that talented. I don't even understand how two men could play a life or dead competition over her love. One of then was actually a vicomte, mind me. I mean come on. He should have had more spine than that. Oh well. Long story short for me this trope was slightly cliché and very unlikely.
But there was an other, bigger problem. The way the story itself, and the society in it handled Erik. It made me want to vomit every time I had to read that he was a monster. Yes, he did horrible things for which he should have been punished. But after all all he wished for in his whole life is that people love him for he really was. And all things considerd, we all want the same. It was a mistake to punish him for his wish. It kind of ruined the story for me, not gonna lie. I mean I don't really like Christine, but Erik would have deserved her more.
I don't even know who I should reccomend this book for. I can't think of anyone. And it does not mean the story itself is bad. Because many of its adaptations are really cult. But honestly, I'd stuck to those.
5/4 - I rated if for a reading challenge to begin with. But I think I was too soft hearted with that 4.